The volunteers form M.A.D. project went to the camp for forced migrants, located in Korostyshiv on October 9. There they organized a small activity event for children of pre-school and primary school age who are staying at the camp. For kids attention is probably more important than for adults, and the whole bus of students were able to solve this – every child has found a new adult friend. At first, there were funny sport exercises – many thanks to Tetyana Koval, Andriy Shadkov, Maksym Oliynyk and Denys Horbach for that! Then everyone gathered in the dining room for sweet tasty treat. Afterwards the children were drawing with colourful chalks. The big games in teams followed – participants engaged in pillow fights, a tug-of-war, racing in the tunnels. The parents were grateful for the exciting leisure time organized for their kids by M.A.D. volunteers.

“За фото спасибо Юрию Кучеренко”

From Поездка M.A.D. в лагерь переселенцев в Коростышеве. Posted by БФ “Надія по всьому світові” on 10/24/2014 (199 items)

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