Sixteen-year-old Katya from Nova Kakhovka, Kherson region, during the war against Ukraine, experienced many painful and traumatic events that affected her psycho-emotional state and health. Recently, the girl took part in the “Children and War. Teaching Recovery Techniques” therapy course and shared her impressions with us:

“I want to express my deep gratitude for the therapy sessions. They turned out to be extremely useful and relevant for me, since I survived three months in the occupation and the first weeks when my hometown, Nova Kakhovka, was actually on the frontline. And later there were several turning points for me moments: the blow-up of the hydroelectric power plant, health problems due to stress, and on my birthday I found out that my grandparents’ house was destroyed.

First, there are interesting methods and ways to eliminate anxiety, pain and obsessive thoughts. We practiced many so-called “tools” to overcome experiences. And they are really very effective. I used them myself and even shared with a friend. Although she had worries about unrequited love, but it also helped her. And this means that the training methods are universal and suitable for every situation when you want to support someone else or calm yourself down.

Secondly, the approach to discussing sensitive topics and providing support to training participants was very important to me. Trainers’ ability to create a safe and supportive environment allowed me to openly discuss difficult issues and find ways to ease my pain. Usually, I don’t like to talk about my experience related to war.

It’s really hard for me to adapt and accept that it will never be the same again. It’s hard for me to see new teachers, to sit in a new class with new classmates. It’s hard for me to sleep in someone else’s bed and not eat from my own plates. It’s hard to see my city being destroyed. It is unpleasant to hear when some people in the village where I live now say that all people from the eastern part of the country are separatists. This is the pain that thousands of displaced people and refugees face every day. Recently, I was cleaning and found the keys to my apartment. I haven’t cried so much in a long time. Such a small thing as keys made me very sad. But I remembered such a tool as the “feel good button”. And I immediately felt better. I still haven’t washed the sweater in which I left Nova Kakhovka. It smells like home. Thank you for your professionalism, sensitivity and desire to help me and other children who have psychological trauma due to war. Before, I dreamed almost every day that a Russian soldier was following me. Now this is rare, because thanks to the sessions I work through my inner fears and pains. Overall, the course is extremely useful and helped me a lot. I experienced a lot during the occupation and after, when I left. I was very lonely. But I found help and I’m glad that there are people who care about my pain.”

On the photo, group therapy sessions “Children and War. Teaching Recovery Techniques” conducted in 2024 in Izyaslav city and Pluzhne village, Khmelnytskyi region by the trainers of the “Helping Hand for Ukraine” project, Nataliya Savchuk and Oleksandr Dobrovolskyi.

We are grateful to the “VAV Better Future” Charitable Foundation for fruitful cooperation!

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