We are pleased to announce the launch of the HOPE worldwide Ukraine Resource Space, designed to provide psycho-emotional support for the trainers and psychologists of our project. The Resource Space program includes group and individual sessions, resource development workshops, and specialized psychotherapeutic support.

Working with children’s traumatic experiences, our trainers’ team faces immense emotional strain daily. To effectively help others, it is crucial to maintain personal resilience and restore inner resources. This is precisely what our new initiative aims to address.

The first event within the Resource Space was the “Support Within Me” workshop, conducted by practicing psychologist and psychotherapist Kateryna Sukenyk. Participants received practical tools for managing their emotions, as well as techniques to help them cope with professional burnout and accumulated stress.

“To touch someone else’s pain, one needs exceptional inner resilience and the ability to renew oneself. This is exactly what we will cultivate within the Resource Space,” say the organizers.

This project was created by Charity Foundation “HOPE worldwide Ukraine” with the support of a grant from the Children`s Resilience Fund: Providing Capacity Building and Funding to Ukrainian Civil Society Organisations in Ukraine. The program is implemented by Crown Agents in Ukraine and Integrity Action
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