On May 26 2018, “HOPE worldwide Ukraine” Charity Foundation finished the school year by existing tradition, training “Breakthrough” that has the aim to form teams and team spirit.
This year more than 80 volunteers took part in this training. They were engaged in different projects for boarding schools and geriatric homes, worked with internally displaced children and became a part of the M.A.D. Project. It was amazing time filled with positive emotions, warm communication, and effective teamwork as well.
“HOPE worldwide Ukraine” Charity Foundation gives thanks to Sergei Kondrat for the organization of the training, and the trainers who helped the teams to pass through the stages – Svyatoslav Golovchenko, Snezhana Volokh, Alexey Sukhov, Tatiana Login, Alesya Koryagina. Thank you for your professionalism and inspiration!
Special thanks to Sergei Grebtsov for the fantastic show, Yury Kucherenko for wonderful photos, and Marina Anapolskaya, Alla Petruk, Edgar Blazhevich, Natalya Timoshenko for tea, care and heartful welcome.

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