The first trip of the school year to the boarding school in Velykopolovetske village took place on September 27. The volunteers decided to start this year with a picnic and communication. Although the previous meeting was in May, many children remembered the volunteers – they greeted and hugged each other.
The volunteers were asking the kids about their summer vacations, their plans for this school year, dreams and hopes.
On the same day, another group of volunteers from Kyiv came to the boarding school. Therefore, they united efforts and organized a true banquet with grilled hot dogs, pita bread and vegetables.
The volunteers brought a large trampoline and many kids were waiting in line to jump on it. Older kids played football with volunteers.
One of our volunteers, Svitlana Krupka, also brought clothes donated to the boarding school by one of the benefactors. The girls liked the clothes and many of them tried it on immediately.
Our picnic was a success!
“За фото спасибо Юрию Кучеренко!”
From Великополовецкая школа-интернат. Пикник. Posted by БФ “Надія по всьому світові” on 10/06/2014 (86 items)
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