In the spring, the “Helping Hand for Ukraine” project in cooperation with the CF “SOS: Headquarters of Civil Defense” in Kamianets-Podilskyi conducted several “Children and War. Teaching Recovery Techniques” group therapy sessions for the elderly (60 years and older). The participants of the groups learned to recognize their psychological traumas, overcome the symptoms and collected internal resources to start looking in the future with hope. During their long lives, these people have accumulated a lot of pain, but also a lot of wisdom. The sessions were a kind of exchange – the trainers taught the participants recovery techniques, and the participants thoughts the trainers. In total, 42 persons took part in group sessions.

Comment from one of the participants: “I’ve been given many gifts throughout my life, and I was not limited in attention, but this gift… it’s from my childhood. I never had anything like this. Thank you for taking me back into my childhood!”

On the photo, group therapy sessions are conducted by Svitlana Huminska and Zhanna Tyatkova, trainers of the “Children and War. Teaching Recovery Techniques” program.

The sessions were held with the support of our partner HOPE worldwide Zurich.

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