We recently wrote about the village of Sirotino in the Luhansk region, where forest fires occurred last fall and 170 houses were damaged. Then many people were left homeless.
We also talked about a school in this village, where 45 children study, whose houses were damaged in those fires and who lost loved ones. Today we thank everyone who responded and took part in collecting money and toys for these guys. We were able to pay for school lunches for them before the end of the current school year. Now these boys and girls, in addition to delicious free lunches, have the opportunity to stay at school for longer hours to study with psychologists, play and communicate with their peers.
Also thanks to you, dear friends, we have collected 8 boxes of board and sports games and handed them over to the school. You should see the delight in the eyes of the children as they unpack and examine the gifts. The younger ones immediately touched every ball and looked into every box. We barely persuaded them to return to lessons. And the older guys just sat down to play “Mafia” right away. The principal of the school and the teachers asked to convey to you their heartfelt thanks for your responsiveness and help! And our foundation is joining. Thank you very much for your contribution to this good cause!

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