On November 22, as part of the “Helping Hand for Ukraine” project, a supervision of classes under the program “Children and War. Teaching Recovering Techniques” was held at school No. 10 in the village of Novotoshkovskoye, Popasnyansky district, the Lugansk Region. Kiev experts came to support the coaches and children – Irina and Alexey Sukhovy.
The village is 1 km from the demarcation line, and the occupied territory, people and buildings “on the other side” are visible from the windows of the school. The memory of the battles carries a lot here: broken windows and gaping holes in the walls of houses, traces of shelling in fences and roofs. Fights continue and now, the village is fired quite often – several times a week. Children and adults are already accustomed to this “schedule”, are not surprised, but nevertheless are afraid. The school was rebuilt by charitable organizations; there is a stadium and a playground here. But at the same time, children are not spoiled by attention, and there is an urgent need for psychological help. Therefore, classes on the program “Children and War” were extremely important for them. The kind and sensitive attitude of the trainers from the very beginning placed children’s hearts in openness and trust and helps the guys at each meeting to speak very seriously and in an adult way about the war. And they have a lot of such stories, they do not have to invent. Indeed, despite their young age (7-8 years), most of their lives (already 5 years!) They lived with the sound of gunfire and in fear of losing loved ones or at home. Coaches Olga Bezruk and Raisa Baryshok come to classes from the village of Zolotoye, where they live, and this settlement is also on the demarcation line, so they understand the guys more than anyone else and share all their pain, fears, feelings … Low bow to the ground with this brave women, strength and peaceful sky above your head! Fruitful effective work and healing – to each small participant!

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