Since 2018, a wonderful couple of trainers Elena Govyada and Marina Fedosova have been working in the “Helping Hand for Ukraine” project. These two incredibly kind and selfless women live a few kilometers from the war zone in the Donetsk region. And for the fourth year in a row, they have been collecting children from villages and small towns (Selidovo, Gornyak, Maksimilyanovka, etc.) and teach them self-help techniques under the “Children and War. Teaching Recovering Techniques” program. And they also treat the children with cookies, distribute clothes, make crafts with them and love with all their hearts. At the moment Elena and Marina are conducting classes in three groups (two for children and one for parents) in the village of Ostroe. The trainers note the activity and trust of the members of the parent group, with everyone they share the joy of the results of excellent work on themselves! And in children’s groups, they are amazed by the stories and traumatic events that the children share. This is war, losses, pain from the loss of pets … And all this can be overcome thanks to new skills, as well as the support of coaches and peers. Good luck to you, dear ones, on the path to healing!

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