The collection of food products for forced migrants took place on September 7 on Sunday. During the event around 3 tons of canned food, cereals, stationary supplies and other useful items have been collected. All collected food and other products were transported during the week to Korostyshiv for the residents of “Teteriv” sanatorium – forced migrants from the temporary occupied territories.
The location of the resort turned out to be very beautiful – pine trees and old oaks, a wellspring of mineral water, fresh air! People live in cottages; you can see children’s clothes hanging on the ropes near the windows. Women come from the wellspring with bottles of water. Kids are playing on the yard. Older children go to local school.
All food products, clothes and toys are distributed according to the list. Last week we paid for products’ delivery to Pushcha-Vodytsya (“Dzherelo” Center) and Korostyshiv, as well as for the trip to Kyiv for children. All this was done within the frames of cooperation with International Charity Foundation “Maidan’s Hospital” (Vyacheslav Zakharov) and Volunteer Hundred initiative group.
We express our gratitude to everyone who took part in collecting of products and other humanitarian aid. Our special thanks go to our drivers who provided their own transport – Volodymyr and Oleksiy Lobudzinskyi, Serhiy Nazarenko, Dmytro Polishchuk and Oleh Kharchenko for the place to store the products. We also thank Maryna Romanenko and her friends and colleagues from the First Children’s Academy for collecting warm clothes.

From Помощь беженцам. Posted by БФ “Надія по всьому світові” on 10/10/2014 (11 items)

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