On May 7, the Foundation’s volunteers took the last trip to the boarding school in Velykopolovetske. They spent time outside, and everyone enjoyed fresh air and the picnic despite the rainy weather.
The volunteers together with children cooked different tasty meals, played sport games and intellectual games. It was nice to see kids helping with preparations and sometimes choosing “cooking and helping out” over playing games. The most active players, though, got their well-deserved prizes.
During the picnic the program coordinators and children discussed everything they learned during this year. Children shared the memories and knowledge they took from the meetings. The youngest ones eagerly retold stories of Biblical cartoons. They also remembered the most favorite games that helped them learn about forgiveness, friendship, and trust.
Older pupils shared their dreams about their first prom. They invited the volunteers to come to the celebration. Still they were a little sad because they will soon have to say good-bye to school, friends, and volunteers who were giving them the warmth of hearts.
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