Another trip to the boarding school in Velykopolovetske village took place on November 15. Children greeted us as usually with joy and even presents. During this trip, we have started the age-related projects. Kids from primary school classes were watching cartoons. Empathising with the main characters they were sharing their emotions and feelings with volunteers. At the same time, kids from middle school classes were studying the Bible learning how God created Earth. Children were sharing their knowledge and Christian beliefs.
The high school pupils took part in the first training of the ‘Equal to Equal’ project dedicated to communication. In a calm atmosphere, they were talking and playing, learning to analyse their emotions and behaviour. After the learning activities, all children gathered in the dining room. They made cakes and tasted them with hot tea.

From Поездка в Великополовецкую школу-интернат в ноябре. Posted by БФ “Надія по всьому світові” on 11/19/2014 (68 items)

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