On Saturday, June 06, 2015, the team of eight psychologists went to Korostyshiv (Zhytomyrska oblast) within the pilot stage of the “Helping Hand for Ukraine” project to conduct the third therapy sessions for children, traumatized by war in Eastern Ukraine.
The third therapy sessions have been conducted in the temporary camp for IDPs (internally displaced persons) in Korostyshiv. This time the psychologists held the therapy session for three groups of children: for the youngest ones (6-8 years old), second group of kids aged 9-11 years and for a group of teenagers. Each group consisted up to 10 children. Therapy sessions focused of how to cope with intrusive memories.
A session has also been conducted for one group of five parents who asked many questions about psychological condition of their kids and themselves. Our psychologists paid a lot of attention to the questions and tried to answer all of them. The parents were learning about active listening and empathy, how to handle their own emotions and feelings related to war. On that day, they have discovered simple but unexpected for many of them truth: everyone needs to let herself/himself to cry and talk about own fears.
Our supervisor and professional trainer Lyubov Loriashvili, provided consultation and methodic support on spot for the team of psychologists. This week, the psychologists will go to Korostyshiv again to conduct the next therapy session for children and parents. In total, they plan to hold six therapy sessions and one sum-up session for each group of children and parents during the pilot stage of the project.
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