The educational marathon is on! In February-March 2015 all volunteers’ teams of “Hope Worldwide Ukraine” had an opportunity to take part in the training on psychology and study the topics which they were interested in.
Among the themes in demand – “Communication with the Elderly”, “Game as the method of educating kids with mental disabilities and developmental delay disorders”, “How to Cope with Stress: informational stress, posttraumatic syndrome, professional burnout”. A psychologist of the Foundation, Iryna Sukhova, gladly shared her knowledge and experience providing every participant with a chance to get the answers to their questions. Considerable attention was paid to the acquirement of practical skills for further usage in work with children and the elderly.
“Understanding psychological peculiarities of people we work with as well as the ability to efficiently use our own resources – these are the prerequisites of the full-fledged activity both of the team and each individual volunteer. One should prepare himself/herself before entering a boarding school or a nursing home”, Iryna said.
Our marathon continues; use your chance to ask your question!

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