“HOPE worldwide Ukraine” charity foundation has joined the organisation of a wonderful event, which was initiated by the NGO “Blue Sky” with the support of the President of the Ukrainian Dragon Boat Federation (UDBF). On July 22, 2023, the boat ride event was held in X-Park (Trukhaniv Island, Kyiv) for orphans and children of fallen Heroes to give children positive emotions and impressions. Despite the rain, the children were joyful. They came from different cities of Ukraine with hostilities currently taking place, and are currently being rehabilitated in Semypolky boarding school in Brovary district of Kyiv region.

The event took place thanks to the joint efforts of many charitable organizations and volunteers. Among others, our foundation received gratitude from the organizers of the boat ride:

“We are sincerely grateful to “HOPE worldwide Ukraine” for the support and cooperation with the “Blue Sky” NGO. Thank you for providing a comfortable bus. Your contribution and active participation in our event for the children of fallen heroes of Ukraine (Dragon boat ride) is extremely valuable to us. You have shown true dedication and serve as a great example to us and other organizations. Every joint success we achieve is the result of our coordinated cooperation. Thank you for your dedication and support. We highly value our joint work and hope for further successful cooperation to achieve our common goals.”

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