On September 28-30, Kyiv hosted a “Children and War. Teaching Recovery Techniques” training for the practitioners. The training was conducted by experienced psychologists and trainers of the “Helping Hand for Ukraine” project – Iryna Sukhova, Natalia Podolyak, and Tetiana Oboyanska. 30 participants from Kyiv, as well as from Kyiv and Sumy regions, studied the war trauma, talked about the psychological consequences of this phenomenon, and gained important theoretical knowledge. They also practiced self-help exercises and techniques to overcome fears, pain, intrusive memories, losses, and many other problems that arise in children and adults who have faced war.

The event was held at the Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. We sincerely thank our partners for fruitful cooperation. Many thanks to the Canada Ukraine Foundation for the financial support of the project!

Feedback from the participants:

Oleksandr Lavrenko: “The training was very intense, with many useful techniques. I received positive emotions and feel a desire to use the knowledge and skills I have gained”.

Hanna Kosakivska: “I am very grateful for the training, for 3 days of thorough work. New interesting techniques, games, new acquaintances and the anticipation of thorough work during 7 therapy sessions with two groups. Such trainings are very relevant now, and I liked that everything is clearly organized: there are methods and techniques, tea (coffee) and support and guidance from the trainers for the entire project period”.

Halyna Salivon: “Very powerful and informative training. I’m taking many techniques to my toolbox. This will be a new experience in working with children, and it is so necessary at this moment. Thank you for the knowledge and new opportunities. Thanks to the new techniques, I worked through my fears. I really hope that I will be able to help children in the best way possible”.

Iryna Taran: “It was a pleasure to be here. I am very happy to master the healing and recovery skills that I will teach my children, my relatives, as well as children of the educational institution, and those who turn to the charity foundation in need of support and assistance”.

Lilia Bondarenko: “An intensive training, structured, informative, full of useful techniques, diluted with interesting games, wrapped in a warm blanket of care and attention from the trainers. I am grateful for your work, sincere thoughts and beautiful smiles. Also, thank you for organizing it.”

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