A military conflict and the conduct of an anti-terrorist operation (ATO) in Eastern Ukraine have forced local populations to migrate to other cities and regions of Ukraine. The Departments of Social Protection and Security of the regional and Kyiv state administrations have officially registered over 1.2 million of forced migrants. Women and children constitute over 60% of the forced migrants from Donetsk and Luhansk.

The majority of the forced migrants live in places of temporary accommodation (camps) – summer camps and resort facilities, state institutions of rehabilitation and recreation. Their temporary homes are not adjusted for living during cold seasons; there are little or no sanitary conditions, particularly for the care of children and babies. The forced migrants rely on volunteers to get food, hygienic products, clothes, and medicine.
During the war in Eastern Ukraine, children, as well as adults, have become victims and witnesses of traumatizing events. Children traumatized by war are easily scared by loud noises; they become depressed, often cry and exhibit anxiety, sudden irritation and anger. Many children have awful nightmares. Such child traumas, if not properly and timely dealt with, can disrupt lives of these children and lead to serious psychological disorders.

Since August 2014 HOPE worldwide Ukraine, in cooperation with partner organizations – the Danish Charity Foundation “Help Ukrainian Children” and the International Charity Foundation “Hospital of Maidan”, has collected and delivered over 25 tons of humanitarian aid (clothes, food, medicine) to the forced migrants who live in 5 camps in Kurakhove, Berdyansk, Korostyshiv, Kremenchuk, Komsomolsk.
Assessing Next Steps – “Helping Hand” Project Efforts
Currently, HOPE worldwide Ukraine, in close cooperation with HOPE worldwide of Canada, is raising funds for the “Helping Hand” project, which aims to collect and deliver humanitarian aid to the forced migrants from Eastern Ukraine and to provide psychological assistance to children, traumatized by the war in Eastern Ukraine and their families.
The Project will:
– affect lives of over 17,500 forced migrants who will receive humanitarian aid,
– improve socio-emotional well-being of 10,000 children and parents who will participate in psychological therapy sessions and acquire skills and capacities to deal with their traumatic experience
– empower 300 psychologists, social workers and teachers who will be trained to work with traumatized children using “Children and War. Teaching Recovery Techniques”.
We aim to:
– prevent the development of PTSD symptoms and depression in children who witnessed and survived war;
– prevent the need for specialized treatment services in the future;
– help kids learn how cope with stressful situations and complicated life circumstances in future;
– help families of forced migrants activate and mobilize their own inner resources and foster better social adaptation.
How You Can Help
You can donate online:
– on our website by clicking the orange Donate button at the top of this page, selecting the “Helping Hand” and way of payment;
– on Tilt who are the official crowdfunding organization for HOPE worldwide of Canada and who have generously waived all fees.
Canadians wanting to help can make donations here.
If you are a resident of the United States, you can donate here.
HOPE worldwide needs your help to provide humanitarian aid and psychological assistance to children traumatized by war in Eastern Ukraine. Please, give today to support our efforts in Ukraine.
Some photos were taken from http://apostrophe.com.ua/ with consent of the photographer, Vlad Sodel.